In the summer of 2022, beautiful memories were made!
Summer 2022: Qui Vive gathered for the 25th time to enjoy making music together and to celebrate the interconnectedness.
Twenty-five times plans were made to go to France during the summer holidays and to put on a high-quality musical program there. Once – in 2020 – a pandemic prevented us from implementing those plans and an alternative was arranged in the Netherlands. In all other years the plans were successfully implemented and beautiful concerts were given in France. Every reason to make this anniversary year a special edition.
It has become special: we can look back on five beautiful performances of a concert unique to Qui Vive, namely not – as usual – a varied program with works by baroque to contemporary composers, but an integral performance of Monteverdi’s Maria Vespers. We really enjoyed it ourselves and received many compliments.
Of course the atmosphere throughout the week was as we are used to at Qui vive: always cheerful, serious where necessary, inspiring and pleasant. You can also see that in the photos.
And now: on to 2023. The musical program is already taking shape. We then visit La Flèche for the third and last time. Will you be there (again)?
And where do we settle down afterwards……? You will hear that.